Computer Applications in Ministry
Course Synopsis

Title of Course:  Computer Applications in Ministry    

Catalog Number: Atlantic Baptist Bible College in Chester, Virginia  Evening Class

Instructor:  Curtis Anderson

Office Hours:  M-F 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. by appointment

Course Description:  A practical course that utilizes computer related hardware and software applications in the ministry.  A balance of lectures, lab, and demonstrations provides the student with the fundamental principles and techniques useful in communicating to a large audience.

Objective:  To provide a broad overview of computer files, text messages, digital images, video and audio techniques used in  multimedia presentations.  Topics include desktop publishing and web site concepts.  

Course Requirements: A basic understanding of computers is necessary.  Students are expected to attend each class and provide their own notebook.  No textbook is required, however related study guides and material may be helpful.  Outside classroom assignments and lab exercises can be expected.      

Grading and Course Policies:  Weekly review quizzes are given but not graded to assist the student with self evaluation. Two lab projects, a mid-term test, and final exam, each count 1/4 of the final grade.

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